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Sunday 25 October 2009

Detect . Relieve . Healthcare
Those that have tried acupuncture know without that works. Acupuncture has been around for over 5000 years. Originally developed in China, acupuncture is now used by respected doctors in every major country in the world. Among the many doctors and medical associations around the world recommending Aculife is the respected chairman of the world federation of acupuncture, Professor Deng Lianyue. Just 15 minutes a day with the Aculife is all you need to maintain a healthy body.
Aculife magnetic wave Therapist is a product resulting from the integration of traditional Chineese acupuncture and preventive medical technology. Using magnetic waves, Aculife improves microcirculation, speeds up metabolism and stimulates the immune system to help prevent a range of ailments and diseases. It also improve blood circulation and accelerates from fatigue.
Aculife is approved by US FDA.
• Tiens aculife is newly developed high tech hand orientation instrumentation on total information image about life.

• Traditional Chinese medicine says,” When people are sick, they must have the symptom of the disease ,” On simple usage of Tiens Aculife people will detect the symptoms of disease condition, at the same time there will be a good treatment and restoration effect to the disease after using this product,

• So, it will be a powerful method and a strong tool for our distributors to introduce Tiens products and a strong proof for the effectiveness of our Tiens products.

Based On_
- Traditional Chinese Medicine--Human body channel and collateral theory.
- Hand--Localization and Vitality flow.
- High tech electronic Technology.

• Healthy
• Under Healthy
• Disease condition

Major Functions:

1. Detect Acupoint Location
The guidebook assists you locate the right acupoints position(s) easily.

2. Improve Blood Circulation
Magnetic waves stimulate acupoints to improve blood circulation as traditional acupuncture.
3. Magnetism Effect
Magnetism wave magnetize body fluids to increase body's circulate system.

4. Health
Effectively enhance circulate system

5. Dual Relieve Methods
The Palm Acupoints Combi and the Ear Acupoints Combi can be aplied in conjuntion with others or separately

6. Easy to Operate
Suitable for family and safe to use

7. Light & Portable
Take it With you wherever you go. Anytime! Anywhere !


It's all about balancing the energies - often known as Chi - in the body.

The reality is that nobody knows for sure quite how acupuncture or magnetic wave therapy works, but it is known that it does, it is completely safe and has no side effects.

Traditional Chinese and Eastern medicine believes that if a disease or imbalance develops inside the body, the signs of that disease will manifest themselves on the outside. If the Chi flows inside the body, there will not be pain: if the Chi is blocked, there will be pain.

It is known that the state-of-Chi (flow or block) of the internal organs and systems is reflected in the acupoints on the skin, so when a mild electric stimulus is applied to the acupoint a different sensation will be felt where there is a problem than when there isn't one.

Research over many years has also shown that the meridians surface on the soles of the feet, palms of the hand and the ears. The Aculife works by stimulating acupoints on the palm and ear simultaneously to affect the bodily organs and systems.

Obviously, the acupoints on the hands and ear are an excellent area from which to observe the state-of-Chi within the body because they are easily accessible and hygienic.

To Detect the Aculife sends out a short wave electric pulse through the acupoints on the hand and ear. Their state-of-Chi is measured in the form of a tingling or stinging sensation.

To Relieve it transmits the electric pulse on the same wavelength but at a different power, which stimulates the brain into producing more red and white blood cells and endorphins – the body's natural opiate.

The Protect bit comes from using the Aculife to strengthen and enhance the body's immune system, enabling it to be more efficient in fighting off disease and maintaining a healthy balance. This in turn enables it to provide a strong barrier to the constant bombardment of modern day living.

In other words the Aculife sends a magnetic pulse from the control areas on the palm or ear to the corresponding area in the body. This magnetic pulse helps unclog micro energy pathways improving blood circulation to help strengthen the immune system.

An alternative explanation is that by sending out an electric pulse the Aculife creates a magnetic field that encourages the natural production by the body of blood cells - red ones to carry oxygen and nutrients, white ones to reduce inflammation and strengthen the general immune system. Using the Aculife has also been shown to increase the oxygen carrying capabilities of each red blood cell.

The magnetic field also causes the blood cells to become more aligned and therefore travel round the system more efficiently.

The improvement in the red blood cells' capabilities means that more oxygen and nutrients are carried more quickly around the body thus speeding up recovery, while the increase in white blood cells reduces inflammation and generally strengthens the immune system.

The net result is that the increased amount of oxygen and nutrients are carried to an injured part of the body more quickly and the waste products are also taken away more efficiently. All of which helps the body to heal itself more effectively and totally naturally.
All of this is in addition to the release of endorphins, the body's own natural morphine and an excellent painkiller and stimulant.
Amazing - and it works.
Contra Indication:
- Wearing pacemaker
- Right after meal or drinking alcohol
- Tuberculosis
- Children under age three
- Patient with malignant Tumors
- Hemorrhagic actualities(such as:gastric hemorrhage
or recovering operation incision)
SIDE-EFFECTS :- No side-effects at all.

No side effects.
Acts as an early warning system for health problems.
With regular use it keeps your body in balance.
In Asia it is also known as 'Electronic Viagra' due to its impact on men with penile erective dysfunction.
Enhances the immune system.
Complements existing healthcare treatments.
Small & portable.
Keeps stress levels low and energy levels high.
An alternative to drugs and their many side effects.


Simple and straightforward to use. Get instantaneous feedback on your health.
Use it on yourself, use it on others, or just watch other people use it.

“Left hand, left ear. Complete the electrical circuit and let the wand wander. You know instantly where there's a problem

Detect problems / diagnose yourself
No specialist knowledge required”

To Diagnose or Detect a problem with your body's Chi (or, to put it another way, identify possible problems with your health or well-being):

• Place the ear piece into your left ear
• Turn the Aculife on and set it to ‘Detect'
• Slowly run the wand over your left hand and note where the sensation changes
• Check against the map to see which organs or parts of your body are displaying imbalances

To Relieve or Treat the imbalances detected:
• Place the ear piece into your left ear
• Turn the machine on and set it to ‘Relieve'
• Hold the wand on the main points you've identified for 5 minutes at a time (you don't HAVE to use the map)

Use it to Protect yourself by using it regularly and enhancing the body's immune system

General Advice On Use Of Aculife:

• Do not use Aculife when suffering from extreme fatigue or hunger. Rest first for 30 minutes and have a light meal. Then you may proceed with diagnosis and therapy.
• Rest for one hour after having a meal before using Aculife.
• Dry your palms before using Aculife. In cold weather, you should warm your hands before use.
• Refrain from cold showers or cold drinks after session. A one-hour rest is recommended after each use.
• After using Aculife for 15 consecutive days, refrain from using it for 3 days before continuing with further sessions.
• Some patients may develop a skin rash after the session; this rash is normal and will disappear about one hour after the session.
• The detector wand should not have contact with any metal object such as a watch or rings.
• During treatment, the magnitude of stimulation varies in different individuals. However, the higher the power setting the quicker the effects will take place.
• The intensity of the magnetic can be classified into 15 grades. It is advisable for new users to begin with 1st grade and gradually adjust to higher grades, according to individual adaptation.
• Drinking 300-500cc of warm water is recommended after treatment. Please do not drink cold water or take cold shower or bath immediately after treatment.
• This product is designed for health care. Systematic use of the product is highly recommended for good health maintenance. In other words, you should consider using it on say your digestive system on day one, followed by cardiovascular system on day 2 followed by respiratory system on day 3 and so on.
• If you get uncomfortable after using Aculife, please consult a doctor.
• If you are currently undergoing any medical treatment, please consult your doctor before using this product.
• Do not get Aculife wet. Humidity may disrupt the functions of the unit.
• Do not drop the Aculife.
• Use the correct AC adopter voltage. The AC adopter should be CE approved.
• Continual use of this product consumes electrical power. If battery power is used, please use an alkaline battery. The intensity of the magnetic wave in Detect mode power level 2 is greater than the power level 1 in Relieve mode. Detection is best when using power level 2 in Detect mode.
• Do not use Aculife by placing the earplug into your left ear and using the pointer on your right hand or do not place the earplug in your right ear while using the pointer on your left hand.
• Do not use Aculife in the region of your heart, head or face.


1. Urethra - Urinary Tube
2. Vagina
3. Prostate Gland - Secretion of Sperm & Fluids
4. Uterus ( Womb )
5. External Hemorrhoid - Ext. Piles
6. Internal Hermorrhoid - Int. Piles
7. Stroke - Apoplexy
8. Impotence
9. Hemorrhoid - Piles
10. Bladder
11. Diabetes
12. Appendix
13. Small Intestine
14. Large Intestine
15. Kidney
16. Kidney
17. Left Lower-Back Pain - Left Lumbar
18. Right Lower-Back Pain - Right Lumbar
19. Inflamed Colon - Colitis
20. Inflamed Gall Bladder - Cholecystitis
21. Peptic Ulcer - Gastric Ulcer (Duodenal)
22. Small Intestine - Duodenum
23. Chest Pain - Angina Pectoris
24. Chest Pain - Angina Pectoris
25. Haematemesis - Emptysis
26. Rapid Heartbeat - Palpitation
27. Heart
28. Heart
29. Pancreas
30. Liver
31. Asthma
32. Right Lung
33. Right Shoulder - Right Scapula
34. Kidney Deficiency ( yan )
35. Kidney Deficiency ( yan )
36. Kidney Deficiency ( yan )
37. Kidney Deficiency ( yan )
38. Nocturnal Incontinence
39. Swelling - Bloated or Swollen
40. Rheumatism
41. Kidney Deficiency ( yin )
42. Kidney Deficiency ( yin )
43. Kidney Deficiency ( yin )
44. Kidney Deficiency ( yin )
45. Skin
46. Windpipe - Trachea
47. Windpipe - Trachea
48. Hypertension - High Blood Pressure
49. Hypotension - Low Blood Pressure
50. enteric Fever - Typhoid Fever ( Intestine Disease )
51. Inflamed Intestine - Enteritis
52. Flu
53. Asthma
54. Right Brain Arteries - Right Cerebral Arteries
55. Right Brain Arteries - Right Cerebral Arteries
56. Right Brain Arteries - Right Cerebral Arteries
57. Right Brain Arteries - Right Cerebral Arteries
58. Right Ear
59. Hypotension - Low Blood Pressure
60. Hypertension - High Blood Pressure
61. Left Ear
62. Left Brain Arteries - Left Cerebral Arteries
63. Left Brain Arteries - Left Cerebral Arteries
64. Left Brain Arteries - Left Cerebral Arteries
65. Left Brain Arteries - Left Cerebral Arteries
66. Cough & Respiratory Distress - Pharynx
67. Gullet - Esophagus
68. Cholesterol
69. Left Lung
70. Liver
71. Gallstone
72. Left Shoulder - Left Scapula
73. Gall Bladder
74. Lymph - White Blood Cells Fluid
75. Breast - Tumor
76. Cough & Respiratory Distress - Pharynx
77. Cough & Respiratory Distress - Pharynx
78. Cough & Respiratory Distress - Pharynx
79. Thyroid Gland - Part of Endocrine System
80. Insomnia
81. Fatigue
82. Bronchitis

Endocrine - Network of ductless glands of internal secretion
Spleen - Abdominal organ to store blood, part of body's immune system

Acupoints :

1. Allergic Acupoint
2. Vertebral - Lumbar - Leg Acupoint - Waist to Thigh Acupoint
3. Vertebral - Lumbar - Leg Acupoint - Waist to Thigh Acupoint
4. Lower Spain Pain - Coccyx
5. Spinal Column
6. Hip . Thigh . leg Nerves - Sciatic Nerve
7. Back of Head Pain
8. Shoulder Pain - Scapula
9. Shoulder Pain - Scapula
10. Migraine
11. Right Back of Head Pain
12. Cholesterol
13. Cholesterol
14. Appetite
15. Top of Head Pain
16. Arm Pain - Brachial
17. Influenza
18. Forehead Pain
19. Gastric Ulcer
20. Constipation
21. Eyes
22. Shoulder Pain - Scapula
23. Shoulder Pain - Scapula
24. Neck Acupoint
25. Neck Acupoint
26. Neck Acupoint
Why Should I Get an Aculife ?
More and more people are becoming proactive about their health. Not everyone, but certainly an increasing number as we get older and things are starting to not quite work as well as they used to.
You now have a realistic and viable option.
One thing for sure is that we know that it's far too difficult to persuade someone about acupuncture or their health if they want to argue about or don't yet accept it. But consider these other points about the Aculife:
• An article on Taiwan Television News in November 2000 described it as being nic Viagra" after reported effects on male impotence effects on male impotence
• No drugs or needles - just you and your body
• It's entirely natural
• You can do it yourself. You don't need anyone else
• It's different
• It gives you an element of control over your own health
• It works for the vast majority of people
• You decide if, when and where to use it
• It's safe
• It can be a solution to a problem as well as being preventative
• It gives you choice
• It's amazingly easy to use
• It makes a fantastically original gift
• It could improve your health significantly
• It gives you responsibility
• It can improve recovery time from injury, illness and exercise
• It gives you a chance to sort problems when they arise
• It opens your mind to other things
• It's uncanny in the way it detects problems
• It introduces you to acupuncture and eastern medicinal practices
• You may just be able to avoid or defer use of some drugs in the future.
• It's not using anything new or untried. The principles are thousands of years old. Aculife is just bringing them together under your control
• It can provide massive entertainment in a small group
• Magnetic Wave Therapy is natural and has no known or reported side effects

 Reduce unnecessary visit to doctor.
 Detect condition earlier to prevent them developing serious.
 Alternative way of getting and staying healthy.
 Totally different approach to medicine.
 Avoid using some drugs in the future.
 More control over our health.
 Detect and Treat ourselves in own time in the comfort of home.

Useful Links:

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