
"Be a vanguard of global direct selling association"


Monday 19 October 2009



Exoskeleton of marine life named crustaceans such as prawn and crab (a type of dietary fiber) Components-Chitin polyssacharide , acid deacetyl, amino acid.

¨It entraps particles of fat, lipids ingested as food and bile acids before they could be assimilated by the body and eliminate them as a fecal matter.
¨Inhibits harmful cholesterol, LDL and triglyceride levels and boosts HDL and helps prevent cardiovascular disease.
¨Prevents hardening of artery, promotes blood circulation, helps to control high blood pressure.
¨Promotes the healing of ulcers and lesions.
¨Revitalize cells function, enhance immunity and regulates body’s physiological function, helps slow down aging.
¨Reduces blood level of uric acid.

¨ Strengthens the function of liver and kidney.
¨ Enhances calcium absorption to strengthen bones.

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