
"Be a vanguard of global direct selling association"


Tuesday 1 December 2009

Marketing Plan_

How does the Compensation plan work ?

The way that the Tiens Compensation Plan is calculated is based on "Point Value" or PV. One PV is equivalent to $ 1 USD.
As you progress through the ranks as an Independent Distributor, your compensation for sales volume will be calculated based on this formula. This is excellent news in Bangladesh, as the exchange rate is working in your favour.

What is passive income and how can I earn some?
Passive income, on the other hand, is permanent income. In this type of business you can take an overseas vacation and return to find that your business has actually grown.
Residual or passive income is only enjoyed by a relatively few occupations: authors, songwriters, movie stars, inventors ... and those who have developed a successful network marketing business.
Passive income is where you are paid over and over again, throughout your lifetime, for something you did only once. Think of it like a royalty payment. So, as long as your organisation is ordering product from Tiens, you will receive the bonuses on those sales, even if you haven't been personally responsible for making the sale.
Don't forget, it's not just your customers that earn you income!
This is the greatest advantage of Network Marketing. It is not just your personal sales that produce income, but the combined purchases and sales of those you have introduced to the business, and who they have introduced, and so on.

Tiens Compensation Plan are:
  • There are eight types of bonuses and rewards you can earn
  • There are no annual renewal fees
  • You are offered a lifetime membership
  • You never lose your position once you qualify for it.
  • There are no breakaways and no flushing
  • Your Qualifying volumes are cumulative
  • Rewards like prestige cars are given to you out right no payment plans.
  • You can build an international business in over 90 countries.
  • Only 50 PBV to qualify for bonus payments

  • How the Bonuses work:
    The eight types of income available through Tiens.

    1. Retail Profit 15 - 20%
    As an Independent Consultant of Tiens, you are entitled to purchase products at a wholesale rate. You are then free to retail product to your customers with the difference between the wholesale and retail prices being entirely your profit.

    2. Direct Bonus 5 - 40%
    A Direct Bonus is what you as an Independent Distributor earn from your personally sponsored frontline starting at the 2-star level. As you advance in rank, you receive a corresponding increase in your Direct Bonus percentage until you reach a maximum 40%. This also applies to your personal purchases where you receive a rebate payment as a Direct Bonus.

    3. Indirect Bonus 4 - 35%
    The Indirect Bonus is calculated on the BV of your entire down-line. It is based on a sliding scale of 4increments and the percentage varies depending on your ranking and the ranking of your down-line members. As your business develops, this bonus alone can produce substantial income.

    4. Leadership Bonus 3.5%
    The Leadership Bonus is earned on the entire down-line organisation of an Independent Consultant with the same ranking as you. As your ranking increases, so the Leadership Bonus payments increase. This bonus is paid from the 5-star to 8-star level and from your first generation to your fifth generation down-line.

    5. Honoured Title Bonus 5% Total Global Turnover
    The Honoured Title Bonus is like a profit-sharing plan, only it is paid on sales revenue and not just profit. Tiens puts aside 5% of worldwide sales in a pool for those who qualify for the Honoured Title Bonus. You qualify when you become an 8-star Independent Distributor with two 8-star legs in your down-line and a minimum GPV of 2,500.

    6. Special Rewards (Trips, Luxury Car, Yacht, Personal Plane, Luxury Villa)
    Special Awards are offered to Independent Distributors who achieve the highest levels of the Compensation Plan. An Independent Distributor who achieves the Honoured Title Bonus for six months (including three consecutive months), will be awarded with the following: The Bronze Lion will win a FREE TRIP, the Silver Lion a LUXURY CAR the Gold Lion YACHT, the 5 star Gold Lion a Personal PLANE, and the Honoured Director a LUXURY VILLA. Each of these awards can be earned as the PV accumulates and increases. Once you have been awarded these prizes they are yours outright. There is no future qualifying required to keep the awards.

    7. Auto-ship Bonus 1- 10%
    The Auto-ship Bonus is paid on all Auto-ship purchases in your down-line to seven levels deep. Up to 40% of the Autoship PV is paid to qualifying Independent Distributors. The benefit of Autoship with the 50PV minimum purchase is two-fold. It ensures that 1) you and your customers never run out of your favourite products and 2) you qualify for bonus payments.

    8. TLD Bonus .50%

    The Top Lorel Distributor Bonus is like a profit-sharing plan, only it is paid on sales revenue and not just profit. Tiens puts aside .05% of worldwide sales in a pool for those who qualify for the Top Lorel Distributor Bonus.

    Star Rankings
    1 Star Starter Kit $20.00 USD
    2 Star 100
    PBV 5%
    3 Star 300 PBV 20%
    4 Star 1500 CBV + (3 x 3 Stars) 24%
    5 Star 6,000 CBV + (3 x 4 Stars) 28%
    6 Star 25,000 CBV + (3 x 5 Stars) 32%
    7 Star 100,000 CBV + (3 x 6 Stars) 36%
    8 Star 400,000 CBV + (3 x 7 Stars) 40%

    Following the reference on the previous page to Star Rankings, these diagrams are simplified examples of business centres showing the multi level effect of duplication resulting in an exponential growth of the number of people promoting and using Tiens products in your business.
    A simple way to understand the Star level qualifications

    3-Star Ranking
    To achieve 3-Star, you must have 300 PPV.

    4-Star Ranking
    To achieve 4-Star, you must have 3 Distributors in your business at 3-Star level, and have a total of 1500 CPV.
    The difference between the 3 x 3-Stars volume and the Total CPV may come from customers or by one or more Distributors, including you, purchasing extra. Total PPV 300

    5-Star Ranking
    To achieve 5-Star, you must have 3 Distributors at 4-Star level, and a total of 6000 CPV.
    The difference between the 3 x 5-Stars volume and the Total CPV may come from customers or by one or more Distributors,

    6-Star Ranking
    To achieve 6-Star, you must have 3 Distributors in your business at 5-Star level, and have a total of 25000 CPV.
    The difference between the 3 x 5-Stars volume and the Total CPV may come from customers or by one or more Distributors, including you, purchasing extra.

    7-Star Ranking
    To achieve 7-Star, you must have 3 Distributors in your business at 6-Star level, and have a total of 100,000 CPV.
    The difference between the 3 x 6-Stars volume and the Total CPV may come from customers or by one or more Distributors, including you, purchasing extra.

    8-Star Ranking
    To achieve 8-Star, you must have 3 Distributors in your business at 7-Star level, and have a total of 400,000 CPV.
    The difference between the 3 x 7-Stars volume and the Total CPV may come from customers or by one or more Distributors, including you, purchasing extra.

    The benefits are many and unique.
    Take the time to understand the Tiens Compensation Plan. There are "treasures" in the detail that could, in due course, line your pockets with wealth.
    You will find that it is one of the fairest, most generous Compensation Plans ever devised.
    1 PV = $1 USD
    PV = Point Value
    BV = Business Volume
    PPV = Personal Point Value
    CPV = Cumulative Point Value
    GPV = Group Point Value
    TPV = Total Point Value

    Special Award Bonus:
    These special awards are given to Independent Distributors who demonstrate leadership and steadfastness. Each of these awards can be earned as your business volume accumulates and increases. Once you qualify, you have no choice as to which award you want - you must accept them all. Tiens presents these prizes fully paid for - yours outright! There is no future qualifying required to keep the awards.
    Details on how to qualify for the awards are listed on the previous page.
    Imagine attending an International Convention, holiday paid for by Tiens, and being one of the highly esteemed recipients of these fabulous awards.

    Overseas Trip:
    Free Trip (0.4% of global turnover) The company awards an all expenses paid tour to selected Distributors who have attained the Status of Bronze Lion or higher and won the Bronze Lion Honoured Bonus in six months (including three consecutive months) of a fiscal year.

    Luxury Car:
    Luxury Car (0.7% of global turnover) Selected Distributors who have attained the Status of Silver Lion or higher and won the Silver Lion Honoured Bonus in six months (including three consecutive months) of a fiscal year will receive a car as a one-time reward from the company.

    Yacht (0.3% of global turnover) Selected Distributors who have attained the Status of Gold Lion or higher and won the Gold Lion Honoured Bonus in six months (including three consecutive months) of a fiscal year will receive a luxury yacht as a reward from the company. This award is transferable to cash or may be accumulated and combined with plane and villa awards.

    Personal Plane:
    Plane (0.3% of global turnover) Selected Distributors who have attained the Status of Five Star Gold Lion or higher and won the Five Star Gold Lion Honoured Bonus in six months (including three consecutive months) of a fiscal year will receive a private plane as a reward from the company. This award is transferable to cash or may be accumulated and combined with yacht and villa awards

    Luxury Villa:

    Luxury House/Villa (0.3% of global turnover) Selected Distributors who have attained the Status of Honoured Director and won the Honoured Director Honoured Bonus in six months (including three consecutive months) will receive a luxury house as a reward from the company. This award is transferable to cash or may be accumulated and combined with yacht and villa awards.

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